Wednesday, November 18, 2009

gone but not (totally) forgotten

forgive me father (and mother, sister and brother) for i have sinned - in my case it is the sin of neglect or at least, ill communication. it has been nearly four months since my last blog entry and to be honest, i have not had the overwhelming desire to write anything. in the past month a few people have asked me about my blog and why it has run stagnant and i explain that i have been busy writing my novel and i have begun another book on dignity, identity, and electronic drums. i've enjoyed the writing process as it involves much pondering, writing, note scratching and reading authors that impact my style (i'm neck deep in anne lamont and nick hornby). i don't think this blog is dead but i wonder if i'll keep with it each week - perhaps if my vocational enterprises change in the next few weeks or months, i'll stay with this as a discipline but i am not making any promises. it's probably why i rarely change my facebook status or have dove deep into the twitter black hole. for what it's worth, i felt i needed to explain my absence from this forum, but i also want you all (at least 5 or 6 of you) that i have not entirely forgotten you...