Since I came home from Colorado a few weeks ago, I have spent my time interviewing, writing theological essays, taking spiritual gift tests, pondering, waiting, waiting and more waiting. The interviews, the writing and the testing have kept me busy and productive but the waiting has made my hands idle. Not long ago, Anne, my beloved, asked me to start writing, so I've finally taken her advice and began the long process of writing my novel. I've never attempted something like this, I'm not sure the process, and I am not convinced anyone will ever read it, but I want to be productive, I want to remain creative, and I want to contribute. It's a story about a guy who has conflict with family, with love, and with others - shockingly unique. It draws on my own story and the stories of others I've intersected - but according to Rob Bell and Chris Seay, others stories are my story because we are all connected to the God story. Therefore, to draw on others is to draw on myself. It deals with issues of grief, forgiveness, anger, disappointment, relationships, family, depression, loneliness, hope, love, spirituality, art, music and visions. For what it's worth, my working title is "Little Souvenir" and the main character is Martin. (I once spoke with an author who writes without a title and without character names but as the story goes on, the title and the names come to him. However, he needs something to work with so he picks names based on names on authors whose books line his office walls and his title comes from some idea fresh to him.)
Can anyone name where my title comes from and/or why I've given him the name Martin?
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